River Societies: Old Problems, New Solutions
From May 22nd until May 25th the Department of History of the Erasmus School of History, Culture andCommunication hosted an international conference called: River Societies:Old Problems, New Solutions: A Comparative Reflection on the Rhine and theYangtze Rivers. This conference concerned the historical, sociological andcultural comparison of the Rhine and Yangtze rivers and is the second in whatwill hopefully become a biennial conference series.
At the heart of this conference series liesthe cooperation between Dutch (Rotterdam, Leiden), German (Frankfurt) andChinese universities (Fudan University, Sun Yat-Sen University, WuhanUniversity, Xiamen University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, ShanghaiAcademy of Social Sciences), many of which are partneruniversities of the EUR.
On the first day, theparticipants were welcomed by the Education Counsellor Mr. Meng of the ChineseEmbassy, our President Ms. Kristel Baele and the coordinator of the programProf. Klemann. The next three days were packed with presentations on thefollowing themes:
1. Economic/business aspects
2. Labour/SocialHistory
3. Cultural/religious aspects
4. Political/juridical aspects
5. Environmental aspects
Again, this year the conference was a successand will hopefully continue with a third conference in 2021!
For more information about the conference,please contact Professor Hein Klemann, klemann@eshcc.eur.nl.
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