

Young Researchers’ Workshop


Sino-European Entanglements in the Age of Globalization


Room 209,Think Tank Building, Fudan University/复旦大学智库楼209会议室

September 11-12, 2017


Organized by

 InternationalCenter for Studies of Chinese Civilization,

Fudan University


  GraduateSchool China in Europe, Europe in China: Past and  Present ,

University of Hamburg


September 11, 2017

9:30-9:45                   Opening Address    JIN Guangyao (Fudan University)

9:45-10:45                 Panel 1.                                  JIN Guangyao

Tradeand diplomatic relationship in the 19th century

ANSooyoung (Fudan University) : Ginsengat the 19th Century East-West Exchanges: A Penetrable Market and anImpenetrable Oriental Matter

JIANGYiwei (Fudan University) : DeshimaTrade Under Napoleon Occupation


10:45-11:00               Coffee Break    


11:00-12:00                      Panel 1.                                 JINGuangyao

WANGYakai / LI Wuzhe (Fudan University) : Images Reveal Details: the Negotiations and SigningCeremony of Nanking Treaty in 1842

HUANGTian (University of Hamburg): The diplomatic activities of Chinese Envoy toBerlin Lü Haihuan (1897-1901)



13:30-15:30               Panel 2.                           GAO Xi (FudanUniversity)

Representations and Perceptions

YvonneJüttner (University of Hamburg): Erinnerungskultur an die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie „Kiaotschou“ inDeutschland und China

JI Linghui(Fudan University) : Theconcept of "bacteria" in the Late Qing Dynasty

YE Yao(Tongji University) :  As Guest in Young China – The China Tour ofthe German philosopher Hans Driesch

BAOZhong (University of Hamburg): The Chinese students in the German School Shanghai


15:30-16:00               Coffee Break  


16:00-17:30               Keynote                     LI Shuangzhi (Fudan University)

Kafka’s MousePeople and Lao She’s Cat Country:Mimicry of Colonial Narrative and Self-Irony of repressed Peoples                           


18:30         Public Lecture      Room 501,  Humanities and Social Science Building/文科楼501室

Martin Schäfer (University of Hamburg): A Happy Ending for"King Lear". She She's Performance "Testament" (2010) andthe German Shakespeare.


September 12, 2017

10:00-12:00               Panel 3.                     ZHANG Ke (Fudan University)

Constructionof knowledge, Ideas and Concepts

AdrianKrawczyk (University of Hamburg): Theories of ideology in China

QI Yue(Fudan University): The Ideal and Practice of “YoungChina” – An Ideological and Political Construction

Kevin Bockholt: Chinese Debates on the Two World Wars and their Impact on Perceptionsof Europe

SebasRümke (University of Hamburg): China’s thwarted turn to Global History


13:00-15:30               Panel 4.                     LI Shuangzhi (Fudan University)

Literarydialogues and translations between China and Europe

YU Xue(Fudan University): Mu Sheng(目眚)andKuang Hua(狂华)” Vs. The Veil of Maja — On the Deceptive Nature of the World ofRepresentation in The Surangama Sutra and The World as Will and Representation

RAOBeilei (University of Hamburg): The Journey of a Literary Creation from East toWest: An Intertextual Analysis of the Chalk Circle by Li Xingdao, Klabund andBertolt Brecht

BabetteBernhardt (University of Hamburg): Chinese literature in the German DemocraticRepublic