




Trinity College Dublin's Arts and Humanities Research Institute, the Trinity Long Room Hub, will launch a new visiting research fellowship programme co-funded by the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska -Curie Actions from 2017 to 2020. Basically we will offer successful applicants a 12 month salaried fellowship in Trinity College Dublin. The main stipulation is that applicants are required to develop a research proposal aligned to one of Trinity's five arts and humanities led research themes. 

The call for 2017-18 applications will open formally between September 5th and October 31st 2016 and full details and an FAQ section will be available on our website then.

Please find details in the following website:https://www.tcd.ie/trinitylongroomhub/fellowships/annoucements/.

or download the brochure by clicking VISITING RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME 2017-18