Old and New Paradigms of Public Health: Historical Perspectives and Global Challenges
2015年5月20-21日 May 20-21,2015
复旦大学光华西主楼2001室 Guanghua Building, West Block 2001
复旦大学中华文明国际研究中心资助的这个多元对话的工作坊集合了来自国内外学术和医疗机构的跨学科的专家学者。 本工作坊致力于探索文化和健康方面的各种复杂问题,如肥胖问题、人的身心状态平衡问题,以及与这些有关的更广泛的问题,如人口的几何级增长,和经济增长推动的消费文化等问题。通过审视世界上几个不同地区在公共卫生健康方面的历史,我们希望能够探讨中国以及全球公共卫生健康未来的发展方向。
In the 21st century, the world is facing a plethora of health problems, some of which could not have
easily been predicted. With emerging and reemerging diseases and globalisation, policy makers
and medical and health practitioners are presented with a challenging contradiction: on the one hand,
people live longer than ever before and are, in some respects, healthier; on the other, chronic disease
and ‘un-wellness’ are increasing, and so is the concern with health-related matters. We are told that we have now entered the 5th wave of public health.
This multi-disciplinary workshop sponsored by ICSCC at Fudan University aims to bring together international
and local experts from diverse academic and medical institutions to explore complex issues of
culture and health, as well as challenges of obesity, inequality and loss of wellbeing, together
with the broader problems of exponential growth in population as well as money creation underlying
consumerist culture. By examining historical developments of public health in different parts of the
world, we aim to contribute to debates about the future of public health in China and beyond.
Workshop Convener: Professor Zhou Xun (University of Essex and visiting scholar at ICSCC)
主旨发言人Keynote Speakers:
1、David Napier教授,英国伦敦大学学院科学、医学和社会网络学院院长,医学人类学教授
Professor David Napier (University College London) is Director of UCL Science,
Medicine, and Society Network and Professor of Medical Anthropology
2、Sander Gilman教授,美国埃默里大学人文学科特聘教授和精神病学教授
Professor Sander Gilman (Emory University) is Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts
and Professor of Psychiatry
5月20日May 20
10:00-10:15 欢迎仪式和茶歇Welcome and Coffee
10:15-10:30 欢迎致辞Welcome Remarks
Professor Jin Guangyao, Director of International Center for Studies
of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University
10:30-11:30 第一场Session 1
Chair: Professor Li Hongtu, Department of History at Fudan University
1. Peter Kirby教授,英国格拉斯哥卡里多尼亚大学
Professor Peter Kirby, Glasgow Caledonian University
Child Health and the Industrial Workplace in Britain, 1780-1850
13:30-15:30 第二场Session 2
Chair: Professor Zhang Yongan, University of Shanghai
1. Paul Kadetz教授,西交利物浦大学
Professor Paul Kadetz, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Colonizing Safety: Creating Risk through the Enforcement of Biomedical Constructions
of Safety
2. 周逊教授,英国埃塞克斯大学,复旦大学中华文明国际研究中心访问学者
Professor Zhou Xun, ICSCC at Fudan and University of Essex
15:30-15:45 茶歇Tea Break
15:45-17:45 第三场 Session 3
主持:Sander Gilman教授,美国埃默里大学
Chair: Professor Sander Gilman,Emory University
1. 潘天舒教授,复旦大学
Professor Pan Tianshu,Fudan University
Stigma and ‘Shame of Illness in the Local Moral Worlds’
2. 朱剑峰博士,复旦大学
Doctor Zhu Jianfeng朱剑峰, Fudan University
In Search of Care: Understanding the Severe Mental Illness living in the community of
Urban Shanghai
5月21日 May 21
9:00-10:20 主旨发言 Keynote lecture
主持人Chair:Paul Kadetz教授 Professor Paul Kadetz
发言人Speaker:Sander Gilman教授 Professor Sander Gilman
10:20-10:30 茶歇Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 第四场Session 4
Chair: Professor Zhou Xun
1. 傅华教授,复旦大学公共卫生学院
Professor Fu Hua,School of Public Health, Fudan University
Community Involvement in treating Diabetic
2. 严非教授,复旦大学公共卫生学院
Professor Yan Fei, School of Public Health, Fudan University
The changing trends of health condition of urban and rural residents
14:30-15:50 主旨发言Keynote Lecture
主持人Chair:周逊教授 Professor Zhou Xun
发言人Speaker:David Napier教授 Professor David Napier
15:50-16:00 茶歇Tea Break
16:00-17:30 圆桌讨论Roundtable Discussion