重评帝国主义在中国:外国对中国的影响, 1945年-1955年
Rethinking Imperialism in China: the influence of foreign countries, 1945-55
2014年12月13-14日 13th-14th December 2014
Guanghua Building, West Block 2001, Fudan University
In the last few decades, scholars in China and overseas have developed new understandings of what ‘imperialism’ really meant in the Chinese context. This workshop aims to gain a better understanding of China’s relationship with foreign powers by focusing on the period in which their influence was dismantled and eventually eliminated, 1945-1955. The processes by which the foreign presence was rebuilt after the end of the Japanese occupation in 1945 and how it was finally eliminated after 1949 tell us a great deal about the nature of Sino-foreign interaction, both in terms of international relations and in terms of ground-level historical processes. While historians have embraced new approaches and understandings, there remains a need to challenge and redefine many of the categories still used to approach this topic.
Day 1
12月13日 13th December
9:00 - 9:15
开场致辞: 金光耀 (复旦大学), 龙浩磊(英国约克大学)
Welcome and opening remarks by Jin Guangyao (Fudan University) and Jon Howlett (University of York, UK)
9:15 - 10:15 Panel 1 - Chair- 金光耀Jin Guangyao
吴翎君(台湾东华大学): 经济立法与中国的国际化──重探1946年商约
Wu Lin-chun (Donghua University, Taiwan), Economic legislation and the Internationalisation of China - with a focus on the Trade Treaty of 1946
皇甫秋实 (复旦大学) :美援为何无效?对战后中美经济关系的再思考(1945-1949年)
Huangfu Qiushi, (Fudan University) ,Why was U.S. Aid ineffective?: Rethinking the Sino-American Economic Relationship after WW II (1945-49)
10:15 - 10: 35 茶歇Coffee Break
10:35 - 11.35 Panel 2 - Chair- 龙浩磊Jon Howlett
Amy King (Australian National University), Meeting the Challenge of Duohao Kuaisheng: Japanese Economic Advisers and the First Five-Year Plan (1953-1957)
Christian Hess(Sophia University, Tokyo), Nationalism, Internationalism, and the Foreign Presence in Postcolonial Dalian, 1945-1955
14:00 - 15:00 Panel 3 - Chair - 沙青青Sha Qingqing
Nirmola Sharma (University of Delhi), From Sympathisers to Collaborators: The Post-War Fate of the Indians in China
Chang Chi-yun (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Customs Employees Forgotten on the Mainland'
15:00 - 15:20 茶歇Coffee Break
15:20 - 16:20 Panel 4 - Chair - 皇甫秋实Huangfu Qiushi
Jin Ying (Fudan University), Foreign influence on city planning of Shanghai, 1945-1955
Sun Yang (Nanjing University), Between the Homeland and the Colonising power: on the Hong Kong issue from 1945 to 1949
16:20 - 16:40 茶歇 Coffee Break
16:40 - 17:40 Panel 5 - Chair - 吴翎君Wu Lin-chun
Xiao Ruping (Zhejiang University), From "Resisting Communism and Defying Russia" to "Allying with Russia to Counter-attack" - Chiang Kai-shek's Cold War era policy towards the Soviet Union
侯中军 (中国社会科学院):顾维钧与控苏案
Hou Zhongjun(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Gu Weijun ('Wellington Koo) and the "Case against the Soviet Union"
Day 2
12月14日 14th December
9:30 - 10:30 Panel 6 - Chair - 张志云Chang Chi-yun
龙浩磊(英国约克大学):“反殖民化”在共产主义中国 (1949-1966)
Jon Howlett (University of York, UK), "Decolonisation" in Communist China (1949-1966)
沙青青(上海图书馆):内外有别:中共政权对中外烟草企业改造策略的比较研究Sha Qingqing (Shanghai Library), A Comparative Study on CPC Tobacco Reform Policies toward domestic and Foreign Industries
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
圆桌讨论与结束语: 金光耀,张力(台北中研院),龙浩磊
Round table discussion and closing remarks, Chaired by Jin Guangyao, Chang Li (Academica Sinica, Taiwan) and Jon Howlett.