


Visions of Shanghai: City Culture, Architecture and Branding

2014124-5日     4th-5th of December 2014

           复旦大学光华西主楼1901室   Guanghua Building, West Block 1901



9:00 - 9:15 欢迎致辞 工作坊介绍(舒秦玉凤)


9:15-10:00  上海的爵士乐:历史、图像和历史遗留(史同文)

10:00-10:30 茶歇

10:30 -11:15 照相与清末民初上海城市生活(葛涛)

11:15 -12:00 老家的形象:在电影中表现上海(舒秦玉凤)



14:00-14:45 德侨在上海的文化生活(王维江)

14:45 -15:30 万国商团中的华员群体研究(徐涛)

15:30-16:00 茶歇

16:00-16:45  1920年代上海减租问题中的马路商会与房客联合会(张生)

Thursday, 4th of December 2014

9:00 - 9:15 am  Welcome Address and Introduction to the Workshop (Yvonne Schulz Zinda)

Session 1: Culture and Media

9:15 – 10:00 am

Shanghai Jazz: History, Images and the Burden of the Past (Andreas Steen)

10:00 – 10:30 am  Coffee break

10:30 – 11:15am

Shanghai City Life in Photographies of Late Imperial China and the Republican Era (Ge Tao)

11:15 – 12:00 am

Pictures from “Home”: Representing Shanghai in Film (Yvonne Schulz Zinda) 

Session 2: Living Culture

2:00 – 2:45 pm

Cultural Life of the German Community in Republican Shanghai (Wang Weijiang)

2:45 – 3:30 pm

Study on the Chinese Volunteers of Shanghai Volunteer Corps (Xu Tao)

3:30 – 4:00 pm Coffee break

4:00 – 4:45 pm

(Commercial Chamber and the Tenants Union on the Problem of Reducing Rent in the 1920s Shanghai (Zhang Sheng)

5:00-6:00 pm Discussion




9:00-9:45 近代上海城市病治理的法国模式(陆烨)

9:45-10:30 今日上海的建筑实践(闻浩南)

10:30 11:00 茶歇

11:00 11:45 晚清上海的品牌化:宝塔建筑的案例研究(罗坤)


14:00-14:45 中国城市品牌建设中的文化与创意:以北京为例(刘欣欣,艾玛·比约恩)

14:45-15:30 上海城市品牌建设(未定)

15:30 -16:00 茶歇

16:00-17:00 圆桌讨论

 Friday, 5th of December 2014

Session 3: Architecture and Branding

9:00 – 9:45 am

The French Model of Modern Shanghai Urban Diseases Governance(Lu Ye)

9:45 – 10:30 am

Practices in Shanghai Architecture Today (Roland Winkler)

10:30 – 11:00 am Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45 am

Branding in Late Imperial Shanghai: The Case of the Concrete Pagoda (Cole Roskam)

2:00– 2:45 pm

Culture and Creativity in Branding Chinese Cities: the Case of  Beijing (Liu Xinxin / Co-author Emma Björner)

2:45 – 3:30 pm

Shanghai City Branding (N.N.)

3:30 – 4:00 pm Coffee break

4:00 – 6:00 pm Roundtable