中国国家汉办(孔子学院总部)日前推出“孔子新汉学计划”,包括六大类项目,资助人文学科和社会科学研究。我校为“孔子新汉学计划”的十四所中方试点高校之一。以下为“孔子新汉学计划”(Confucius China Study Plan, CCSP)的试行方案:
Confucius China Study Plan(Trial Version)
In order to foster deep understanding of China and the Chinese culture among young elites from around the world, enable the prosperous growth of China studies, promote the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes, and enhance the friendly relationship between China and the people of other countries, the Confucius Institute Headquarters (the Headquarters) has set up the “Confucius China Study Plan”.
I. Content
The Plan consists of six subprograms. The majority of financial support is provided through support of specific research and other projects on designated academic areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.
1). Sino-foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram: sponsor newly registered or current Ph. D. students from a foreign university to pursue 1-2 years of studies in a Chinese university. Students who successfully complete the program will receive their Ph. D. degree either from the foreign university or from both Chinese and foreign universities simultaneously. In general, eligible candidates should be under forty and their HSK test score no less than level 3.
2. 来华攻读博士学位项目:资助外国学生来华攻读博士学位。年龄一般在40岁以下,汉语水平考试(HSK)须达到5级。
2). Ph. D. in China Subprogram: sponsor foreign students to pursue Ph. D. degree at a Chinese university. In general, eligible candidates should be under forty and their HSK test score no less than level 5.
According to their study plan, students who participate in the above two subprograms may choose their specific research topics and Chinese supervisors (lists attached) in Chinese universities that are designated by the Headquarters.
3). “Understanding China” Visiting Scholar Subprogram: sponsor foreign faculties/ research fellows, with credentials of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) and above, to undertake research projects in China for a period of 2 weeks to 10 months.
4). Young Leaders Subprogram: sponsor senior year undergraduate or master program students of foreign universities, as well as outstanding youth from areas of politics, business or academics to visit China and participate in short-term study programs, for a period of 2 weeks to 6 months. In general, eligible candidates should be under forty.
5. 国际会议项目:资助各国孔子学院、大学、研究机构和人员举办或参加有关中国研究的国际会议。
5). International Conference Subprogram: provide financial support to Confucius Institutes/ foreign universities/ research institutions/ research individuals to organize or participate in international conferences of China Studies related topics.
6. 出版资助项目:资助外国学者出版或翻译相关学术著作、博士论文,支持创办相关学术刊物。
6). Publishing Subprogram: provide financial support to foreign scholars for the purpose of publishing or translating relevant academic works, Ph. D. thesis, or producing relevant academic publications.
II. Qualification Requirements
• 非中国国籍。
•Non-Chinese nationality
•In good health condition
•Have necessary Chinese communication competence. Candidates of outstanding Chinese proficiency will be given priority over other competitors of similar qualifications.
•Students registered at Confucius Institute or applicants from universities that host a Confucius Institute will have priority in application and admission.
•Applicants who are currently participating in Chinese Government Scholarship are not eligible to apply for this Plan.
III. Application Methods
1. Applicants shall log in to download and fill in the Application Form. Furthermore, the specific requirements for each subprogram are:
Sino-Foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram: Applicants shall submit their Ph.D. study certificate, 1 recommendation letter from the Confucius Institute in host countries, 2 recommendation letters from relevant experts, and the HSK transcript or the equivalent transcript from the Confucius Institute.
Ph.D. in China Subprogram: Applicants shall submit one copy of notarized Academic Record of undergraduate and postgraduate education, Degree Certificate and their Chinese versions respectively, 1 recommendation letter from the Confucius Institute in host countries, 2 recommendation letters from relevant experts, and the HSK transcript or the equivalent transcript from the Confucius Institute.
“Understanding China” visiting scholar subprogram: applicants shall submit the invitation of relevant Chinese universities or scientific research institutions, 1 recommendation letter from the Confucius Institute or Chinese Embassy (Consulates) in host countries. The specific research plan in China should also be provided.
Young Leaders Subprogram: Applicants shall submit their CV and a plan of their visit and study in China.
International Conference Subprogram: applicants should submit their application materials through Confucius Institute, including theme of the conference, scale and expenditure budget, etc., conference participants should submit the invitation letter from the conference organizer and the outline of conference presentations.
Publishing Subprogram: applicants shall submit at least 30 pages of samples in Chinese, reference letters from at least 2 scholars in relevant research areas, and publication contract or letter of intent from oversea publishers.
2. Applicants for Sino-Foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram and Ph.D. in China Subprogram should submit their applications to the Confucius Institute Headquarters by November 30th, 2012. The application materials should include the Chinese versions. The Headquarters will organize the “Confucius China Study Plan” Expert Committee to conduct the appraisal and interview. The result of appraisal will be announced in the spring of 2013. The first batch of candidates will start their programs from the autumn of 2013. The starting and termination time of other subprograms will be determined in accordance to their specific situation
IV. Scope of Subsidies
The subsidies for the Sino-Foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram, Ph.D. in China Subprogram and the “Understanding China” visiting scholar subprogram may include: in China research fund, tuition, lodging and living stipend, library stipend, in-China health and accident insurance, as well as expenditures for attending academic conference in related areas (one time per year), round-trip international transportation, and other living and work condition support provided by the Chinese and/or oversea universities hosting the program. Please log on for information about specific amount of subsidies. For short-term program of less than one year, subsidies will be provided in accordance to the practical needs. Subsidy for publishing and international conference will be appraised and decided by the “Confucius China Study Plan” Expert Committee, based on actual needs